Homecoming Kick-off and AGM with CBC's Scott Russell
Thursday, September 26, 2013
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

TD Stadium, Labatt Lounge, Western University, London, ON

Homecoming Kickoff and AGM

Kick-off Homecoming in true Western spirit! Event highlights include:

  • Keynote address by Gemini Award-winning broadcaster, host of CBC Sports Weekend and acclaimed author, Scott Russell, BA'80, BEd'82, MA'85. Scott will be speaking on the topic, "The Field of Play: Why Sport Matters."
  • Presentation of Alumni Western's sixth annual Spirit of Western Award to our Foundation Western volunteers
  • A preview of Homecoming 2013
  • Meet your Alumni Association Board of Directors and learn about what is new at Western
  • Complimentary appetizers, refreshments and entertainment

The Alumni Association AGM will take place from 7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. followed by the Homecoming Kick-off Celebration and keynote. Complimentary parking will be available.

Everyone is welcome. Please register by Tuesday, September 24, 2013.

The Alumni Association Board of Directors is always looking for strategic thinkers with the energy and ideas to make a difference. To nominate a Director, please e-mail the name, telephone number and a short paragraph about your nominee to Donna at dswanso2@uwo.ca.


Please contact Alumni Western if you require information in an alternate format, or if any other arrangements can make this event accessible to you.

Scott Russell
BA'80, BEd'82, MA'85

We are sorry, the deadline for registering for this event online has passed. Please email alumnirsvp@uwo.ca or call 1-800-258-6896 and press 2 if you are still interested in attending. Please leave your name, email, phone number, the name of your guest and specify which event you will be attending.

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