E-Communications Request Form

Requests are to be submitted no less than three weeks in advance of the preferred send date. Please refer to the External Communications Calendar when considering send dates.

For more information about e-communications, please refer to External's Policy on Mass E-Communication.

Your Information

Description of E-Communication


Target Audience and Data

Please be specific - i.e. degree year, geographic area, degree faculty/program, previous travelers, etc.
If you need assistance, please indicate "Advancement Operations."

After you submit this form, you will be automatically redirected to the Data Request Form to input more information about the target audience and data.

Creative Resources

Please indicate the type of creative with which you would like assistance. If you are not requesting any creative resources, please leave this section blank.

Preferred Send Date

Please refer to the External Communications Calendar when considering send dates.

Remember, in accordance with External's Policy on Mass E-Communication, the maximum number of emails that any one constituent may receive is one per 48-hour period.

Additional Information